Business Mediation

Business Mediation

The field of implementation for the institution of mediation besides the primarily civil and/ or family disputes lies also with business cases be it of partnerships and corporations, or natural persons who do business. In each and every agreement which regulates...
Mediation within working environment

Mediation within working environment

Conflicts within working environments tend to become quite an issue lately be it a corporation with too many employees or a small family size company. Usual disagreements on schedule, fees or division of work could bring up a negative atmosphere. Mediation constitutes...
School Mediation

School Mediation

School mediation is a civilized way of peacefully resolving conflicts arising within the schooling environment. Mediation at School is one of the ways of resolving, or managing, conflicts within the schooling environment, between students, or students-professors, or...
Mediation within working environment

Bank Mediation

The issue of non-paid bank loans that lead their debtors to despair tends to become more and more stressful. Many of them have been forced to end up with uneven arrangements by paying only interests (no capital), while it becomes scarcely clear from now on the threat...
Family Mediation

Family Mediation

Family mediation is an extrajudicial dispute resolution in order to resolve family disputes, where parties are able to arrange both personal and financial issues, thanks to a neutral third party, namely the Mediator, who assists them to as to reach solutions between...
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