Brand Registration

Brand Registration

Generally, brand refers to the trade mark used to distinguish the goods and services among the consumers. The business group sells their services or goods under the specified name or brand that is called trade mark. Thus, the brand is registered in order to avoid the...
Copyright Registration

Copyright Registration

Copyright Registration is a form of protection offered to the authors of “original works” which includes, lyrics, dramatic, literary, musical songs, music, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. Copyright...
Logo Registration

Logo Registration

A logo is the sign, which distinguishes your services and goods from those of other traders and gives you an exclusive right to use it. Your logo registration will prevent third parties from using similar logos for similar goods and services as those protected by...
Patent Search

Patent Search

The patent search is one of the most powerful and easiest ways to find out right information about patent. This patent search is only for relevant and required information, we have made all possible effort to ensure accurate results. Every inventor conducts Patent...
PCT Filing

PCT Filing

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) is a cost effective and efficient way to enter into the patenting process in many countries at one time. It offers several important benefits for applicants contemplating foreign filing. The main objective of the PCT is to simplify...
Trademark Search

Trademark Search

A trademark search is ideally an analytical and comprehensive way of researching a name, logo or slogan for prior use. It is highly advisable to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for registering a trademark. Before you file your trademark...

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