
Constitutional Law

What We Offer

The lawyers of “Oikonomakis Law” possess experience and expertise in Constitutional cases related to human rights, freedom of speech, constitutionality of the corresponding legislation etc. As these cases are considered to be of significant importance, the lawyer needs to scrutinize every upcoming case and to exonerate every client who deals with such important and delicate issues.



We are future-oriented by setting strategic long-term goals; planning ahead is not just a necessity but an inherent characteristic of our corporate identity.


We strive for fairness by treating everyone with respect, not just courtesy.


Our mind-set is global thus we enjoy working seamlessly across borders.


We focus on delivering world-class legal services and advice, thus reaching for the highest standard possible means that excellence is the only threshold.

Our Services

Fields wherein our legal advice could turn out to be of crucial and decisive importance are the following:


  • Compliance
  • Defence of human rights
  • Consulting among specific legislation
  • Mediation-if needed-
  • Litigation as the final way out

What is the "Constitutional Law"

To begin with, every state’s Constitution is the supreme law of the state, when one deals with internal issues. The Constitutional Law is a sector of law which deals with the defending of human rights, as well as with clarification about the meaning of a Constitutional Law. This law sector is related with every possible legal field, as the same Constitutional lawyer is able to cover criminal cases as well as real estate and human rights’ cases.

How We Can Help

The lawyers of “Oikonomakis Law” who deal with Constitutional Law, undisputedly are able to preserve every assignor’s human or civil rights, as these rights are inviolable. The knowledge of the applicable legal framework constitutes a necessary precondition, which our firm’s Associates meet and work accordingly.

Key Contacts

Oikonomakis Christos

Papageorgiou Zoi

Mitrogianni Aikaterini

For more information on Constitutional Law

Please contact us οn +30 210 3600036 or


Our Offices

OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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