
November 2020

OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM having undertaken the role of responsible citizen vis-à-vis the community, throughout its establishment from 1998 onwards, has consistently demonstrated its respect, sensibility and interest for human values, the welfare and the prosperity of the community, and the support of the individuals and of the society.

In regards of this philosophy and our social responsibility, we are happy to announce our cooperation with the Greek Guide-Dog School For the Blind ‘’Lara’’, which has been the first Guide-Dog School in Greece.

Lara Guide Dog School comply with relevant international standards on guide-dog’s training and is an associate member of the International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) and the European Guide Dog Federation (EGDF). The school’s model and philosophy are based on the dogs training and welfare in order to improve the quality of life and mobility of blind or/and visually impaired persons.

The main goal and objective of this cooperation is the benevolent legal support of the Greek Guide-Dog School for the Blind ‘’Lara’’, aiming to inform, to consult and to advice it on legal matters.

With regard to the aforementioned framework and action, our Law Firm provides ‘’Lara’’ with practical approach, legal advice and assistance on GDPR compliance across many legal disciplines and borders.


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OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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