
Family Law

Family Law International Lawyers – What We Offer

The firm of “Oikonomakis Law” provides legal support regarding this delicate field of law, where knowledge of the applicable law is deemed necessary, however it does not constitute the sole prerequisite, when surfacing issues need to be in any case properly arranged.

Our main aim is to bring forward alternative dispute resolution means in particular with regards to family differences, via the newly-introduced mediation procedure, in order to avoid intense confrontations before the Courts.



We are future-oriented by setting strategic long-term goals; planning ahead is not just a necessity but an inherent characteristic of our corporate identity.


We strive for fairness by treating everyone with respect, not just courtesy.


Our mind-set is global thus we enjoy working seamlessly across borders.


We focus on delivering world-class legal services and advice, thus reaching for the highest standard possible means that excellence is the only threshold.

Our Services

Related issues that may rise read as follows:
• Custody and maintenance fee
• Communication and in general, establishment of relationships between parents and children
• Distinguishing property acquired during marital period
• Housing arrangement
• Financial issues’ arrangement deriving from the separation as such
Divorce Lawyers

What is Family Law

Family law deals with issues related to family law in essence, when both parties seek to arrange personal but, also – as it is very often the case – financial issues related closely to the former ones.

How We Can Help

Primary aim of “Oikonomakis Law” is to mainly focus on the safeguarding of your children’s interests, by operating as a catalyst in order for the parents to maintain communication and cooperation between them, by also avoiding in the most agreeable of ways the expression of feelings of bitterness, even vengeance, that unfortunately surface during the process. Our lawyers effort is to have all sorts of family matters resolved and smoothed, in light of the fact that if things derail, they might as well lead to painfully stressful quarrels and disagreements.

Key Contacts – Family Law Attorneys

Papageorgiou Zoi

Mitrogianni Aikaterini

Micha Maria Mirsini

For more information on Family Law

Please contact us οn +30 210 3600036 or


Our Offices

OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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