
International Company Formation

What We Offer


Company Formation in Germany

Germany is one of the dominant member-states not only of the EU, but on a global scale. Its federational way of political structure makes it a complex jurisdiction where challenge meets particularities in many regions of the State. OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM can act as the middle-man in all sorts of legal procedures with which you will definitely come across once you decide to get yourselves involved in this international hub of communication, politics and entrepreneurship.

> More on Company Formation in Germany

Company Formation in Romania

Romania is not one of those countries that fall under the scrutiny of public opinion among the peoples of E.U. It is a large country given that it is only a little smaller than the about to exit the E.U. United Kingdom. Having Bucharest as its capital city, Romania became an E.U. member since 2007, still having its own currency, while having undertaken the commitment to enter the E.U. zone as soon as it meets all necessary preconditions.
In order to have a company set and established in Romania, special licensing is needed merely for certain industries in which case the competent authorities will have to get on board as well.

The most common company formation types are those of Limited Liability and Societe Anonyme; LTDs have been estimated in terms of percentage as 98% of all company types in Romania, thus this is considered to be the most favorable type of all among small and medium size businessmen who especially wish to reserve for themselves the right of management.

> More on Company Formation in Romania

Company Formation in Greece

Greece has become the center of attention in the last decade mostly for the wrong reasons. In the current time-juncture, however, Greece is on the verge of checking of all the right boxes after having complied with the majority of measures that have been introduced in the Greek legal and financial system.

As a member of the EU since 1981 and a NATO ally since 1952 Greece seems now more than ever ready to make the most of its advantages and invest in a more structured way in tourism and shipping, the country’s most significant industries.

> More on Company Formation in Greece

Company Formation in Bulgaria

It’s been an E.U. member-state, where the establishment of a company could take place simply via a proxy with a specific mandate and its signature verified in the Bulgarian consulate in Greece.

Besides, what someone needs to know is that the establishment of a company in the neighboring country of Bulgaria is a demanding project bearing lots of risks – legal, accounting, procedural – and this is why OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM can prove to be a reliable aid to your avail.

> More on Company Formation in Bulgaria

Company Formation in Cyprus

The Cypriot legal system is entirely based on the foundations of the Anglo-Saxon legal system. It is due to that reason that OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM is a valuable counsel and associate being able to support you in every step of the way and in terms of particularities both legal and procedural that may come up in such procedures.

The establishment of companies can prove to be such a procedure, both demanding but also creative, in terms of a country where we are able to get involved in a quite privileged way due to the eons’ old brotherly relationships between the Greek and the Cypriot peoples.

> More on Company Formation in Cyprus


We are future-oriented by setting strategic long-term goals; planning ahead is not just a necessity but an inherent characteristic of our corporate identity.


We strive for fairness by treating everyone with respect, not just courtesy.


Our mind-set is global thus we enjoy working seamlessly across borders.


We focus on delivering world-class legal services and advice, thus reaching for the highest standard possible means that excellence is the only threshold.

  Albania  India  Russia
 Australia  Italia  Scotland
 Austria  Canada  Serbia
 Belgium  Kenya  Singapore
 Brazil  China  Sweden
 France  Kuweit  United Kingdom
 Georgia  Latvia  United States of America
 Ghana  Mexico
 Estonia  Holland
 Japan  Poland



Mitrogianni Aikaterini

For more information on Company Formation Services

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