London Branch Office- Law Firm in UK
100 Bishopsgate, 18th & 19th Floors, London, EC2N 4AG, United Kingdom
0044 20 37694973
Bar Association Registration Number 818747 Beneficiary: Oikonomakis Christos as a Registered Foreign Lawyer to the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
country: UK city: London
Law Firm in London
World-class network of associated British and International Lawyers in London
Providing professional legal services both to local but also to international assignors of ours has been forming part of OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM and its Associates mandate for the last twenty five years; this is why we are proud and able to say that indicatively the following services relating to:
- finance,
- commodities,
- energy,
- insurance,
- property
- IP
Constitute part and parcel of the work we are able to deliver when our assignors turn to us, not only when they are about to negotiate such issues, but especially so, when they are on the verge of taking measures in order to find reliable solutions to problems that most definitely shall be arising when doing business in the current fragile environment.
Therefore, it is crucial for legal counsels to be on their toes and be able to provide on short notice advice on issues that may range from:
- carriage of goods/bill of lading
- leasing of the vessel
- purchase and sale of the vessel
- insurance (insurance/general policy, abandonment)
- ship construction
- ship repair
- ship mortgage
- Commercial and Corporate law issues,
- Succession law issues,
- Family law issues
- GDPR issues, and so forth and so on
On the other hand, it also forms part of OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM-UK Desk and its Associates agenda to be able to undertake all sorts of lawsuits arising not only from all the just aforementioned instances, by orderly preparing and properly submitting such lawsuits, and by representing our assignors before competent Courts of all instances regardless of country or jurisdiction, but also of other fields of Law on which we have been involved in many instances over the last twenty five years.
To begin with, Real Estate/ Property law, or in other words the overall legal process of buying and selling real estate properties constitutes a procedure which definitely calls for the involvement of a Lawyer in London, UK who in close cooperation with a Public Notary shall be ensuring that all relevant factors concerning such a demanding project shall be in place and all details shall be in such a way arranged in order for the whole process to be properly and utterly concluded. Our experienced cooperating London lawyers are here to offer expert legal advice based on the collection and analysis of data with regards to the property of your focus by paying attention on all details and by Identifying as early as possible all legal issues as far as the real estate of your immediate interest is concerned
On the other hand, Corporate law constitutes part of our legal portfolio, and even though corporate formations take specific forms, flexibility and the potential of making them assume in certain occasions special features may as well be an option. Here, at OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM-UK Desk we do possess the human capital, the expert knowledge and the experience to assist you with all your business endeavors and help you and formulate that specific company formation that shall be meeting your special needs and expectations
Having said all of the above, we also feel the need to reassure you that our profile and our orientation is not strictly corporate and business-focused; our values and ethics have always been primarily human-oriented, thus issues such as child custody, maintenance fee of children and spouses, regulation of communication issues between separated parents and children, settlement of housing arrangements and other sort of unresolved financial issues constitute part and parcel of the work we are able to deliver for our clients regardless of place and jurisdiction, as the case has been for the last twenty years
Last but not least, we also need to mention that our world-class network of associated London lawyers are here to provide strong expertise and experience on issues that relate to professional free-lancers or scientists acting as free-lancers, who wish to move or remain in a foreign country such as the UK, because, for instance, they have been offered a certain position by a certain employer, and wish to settle in the UK for good, or at least for as long as possible. We are sure that you shall find our legal expert advice useful, especially now that we shall be located in the very heart of all developments, always to respond to your urgent call for legal assistance and support.
You need to take into consideration that at all times, there is one common thread that bypasses and navigates our work here at OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM through the years, and that is our commitment to represent our clients by way of facilitating and orderly serving their interests.
Our work might as well be related to actions introduced by local authorities such as customs, and port authorities or it might refer to the international carriage of goods, or to international compensation for losses.
On the other hand, one needs to keep in mind that all cases, either governed by English law or by continental/ European law regulating contracts, their terms and conditions, and apparently all possible issues that may as well be arising between the parties of an agreement, it forms a commonality for our UK Desk in London to try and resolve them via Arbitration, or other quite novel forms of alternative dispute resolution, in order to avoid unnecessary legal procedural expenses, by searching to establish a mutual basis of understanding and settlement before ending up in a court room. It goes without saying, of course, that such a development presupposes that the legal representatives of the parties are skilled and experienced enough so as to facilitate such an option
OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM-UK Desk definitely serves and represents such a culture, thus it must not be striking you as a surprise that we have decided to further strengthen our presence in the international legal realm by setting up a UK Desk of our Law Firm in London.
All these years we had been able to respond to our clients’ needs related to all sorts of international private law issues by keeping ourselves updated with all relevant developments as soon as they had been occurring; however it is no secret that for quite some time now we had been trying to find premises in order to properly locate partners, associates and associated Lawyers and Firms of ours in the city of London so as to capitalize in the most assertive way our knowledge and experience in this field of law, and practically confirm in the most practical way that positioning ourselves among the best is not merely a proclamation, but rather a state of being.
What our clients say