
Oikonomakis Christos

Founder & Managing Partner
Lawyer at Supreme Court & Council of State
Αccredited Mediator


He was born in Piraeus Greece in 1971.

Ηe is a European Lawyer and practices law in:

Bulgaria (Sofia Bar Association)
Cyprus (Limassol Bar Association)
European Lawyers΄ Union
France (Paris Bar Association)
Germany (Dusseldorf Bar Association)
Greece (Piraeus Bar Association)
International Bar Association
Romania (Bucharest Bar Association)
United Kingdom (Solicitors Regulation Authority).
United States of America (Boston Bar Association)

He speaks Greek and English.

In 30/07/1988 he was admitted to the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece, from which he graduated. From March 1994 to May 1995 he worked in the Preliminary Examination Office of the Greek Army (during his military service), where he was acquainted with the state bureaucracy and the disciplined structure of the Military Law and Practice.

In 19/12/1995 he joined as a trainee solicitor, the Piraeus Bar Association.

In 29/07/1997 he was admitted to Piraeus Court of Common Pleas and joined Piraeus Bar Association (Registration Number 2517).

He is Court of Appeal Lawyer since 07/08/2001 and Supreme Court & Council of State Lawyer since 12/09/2005.

He is an Accredited Mediator (Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights of Greece).

He is specialized in the fields of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) as a Data Protection Officer (DPO).

The first decade he practiced the Law as a defender and as a assignee in Political, Criminal and Administrative disputes, believing that a lawyer gets expertized after serving all the aspects of Law.

The current decade as a lawyer in Greece, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus and France, he practices law, dealing with the management and the quality control of his Partners’ and Associates’ performance, as a Legal advisor – concerning Corporate, International Business, Trade and Maritime issues – and through selective demanding trials.

Call us 24/7:

(UK) +442037694973
(FR) +33 170615732
(DE) +4921154692217
(UAE) +971 (5) 65266385
(ROM) +380442211491
(ISR) +97233741019
(GR) +30 2103600036
(BG) +35924929301
(CY) +35722008290





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OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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