“Oikonomakis Law”
Monday, 10 January 2022
The already suspended (due to their non-vaccination) medical, paramedical, nursing, administrative and support staff of the General Hospital of Livadia – General Hospital of Thiva, represented by our Firm, shared on Monday, 10th of January 2022 a statement with the Prime Minister of Greece, the competent Minister of Health, the Hospital CEO and the 5th Health District of the Ministry of Health declaring (after being informed of the dramatic increase of coronavirus cases among the hospital staff that led to the closure of the Pathology Clinic of Livadia) its readiness to provide its services (even with only verbal notice from the Hospital Administration and regardless of the issue of enforcement of the administrative measure of suspension against its members) as their priority is to perform their health duty to society.
It must be clarified that our Clients have been suspended from their work as of 01/09/2021 due to their non-vaccination against COVID-19, under the imposed administrative measure of no. 206 L. 4820/2021, and remain unpaid, thus now facing a family survival problem!
The above action of our Clients, proves that the freedom of self-determination can be in line with the selfless community service and responsibility and proof of their professional-scientific status, complying at the same time with every health and social protocol for non-dispersion and for combating the COVID-19 pandemic (multiple repeated weekly tests, physical distancing, following hygiene rules, using masks, etc.).