
Property law

Brief guide and roadmap

Oikonomakis Christos Global Law Firm offers great comprehension on the execution of real tangible and demanding selling procedures, which take place either locally, or across jurisdictional borders. We can help you achieve a seamless, successful transaction especially so when what is mostly needed is coordination, management and execution of complex legal issues which more than often seem to emerge, especially so when time appears to be of quintessential importance.



We are future-oriented by setting strategic long-term goals; planning ahead is not just a necessity but an inherent characteristic of our corporate identity.


We strive for fairness by treating everyone with respect, not just courtesy.


Our mind-set is global thus we enjoy working seamlessly across borders.


We focus on delivering world-class legal services and advice, thus reaching for the highest standard possible means that excellence is the only threshold.

Our Services

The Services we provide could as briefly as possible be summarized in the following:

    • Identifying as early as possible the main legal issues with regards to the certain real estate of your immediate interest
    • Making the most of your specific disposable budget in terms of the specific real estate property at hand
    • Offering advice based on the collection and analysis of data with regards both of the area in question and, even more so, of the property of your focus
    • Dealing with your case as a multifaceted business challenge, thus paying attention on details like for instance legal arrangements regarding use of land, regulations regarding urban planning and so forth and so on

What does buying and selling of a real estate actually entail

Buying and selling a real estate property constitutes a procedure which from its very beginning until its overall conclusion calls definitely for the involvement of a Lawyer who in close cooperation with a Public Notary shall set the course but also make sure that all relevant and related factors of such a demanding project shall be in place so as for the purchaser to feel at all times that nothing has been left unattended.

How We Can Help

The first and of foremost importance issue to be handled and properly concluded by a lawyer is the conduct of an extensive legal research at the Land Registry, as well as at the competent Cadastre Office; both these state authorities must at all times be at the core of a research, because essentially this is the only way and practically the only tool a lawyer possesses, so as to make sure on behalf of the candidate purchaser that the apartment, the plot of land, the business store or whatever else he/ she has been so eager to purchase does not bear any legal burden of any sort, be it a mortgage, a seizure, a pending lawsuit etc, and, above all, that the legal or natural person selling the property is indeed the owner of the offered property.

Key Contacts

Oikonomakis Christos

Papageorgiou Zoi

Mitrogianni Aikaterini

For more information on Property Law

Please contact us οn +30 210 3600036 or


Our Offices

OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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