The work of a Lawyer is not merely restricted to the appearance before Courts of Law, State Committees, Authorities etc., or to the preparation of lawsuits, extrajudicial statements, penal claims etc, but also to other, from time to time even more demanding law-related issues, that only get to be executed and concluded thanks to the necessary input of an accredited Lawyer.
This is how we end up with regards to the buying and selling of real estate property in Greece, a procedure which in its totality calls definitely for the involvement of at least one Lawyer who in close cooperation with a Public Notary shall see to the proper conclusion of such a demanding project.
The very first and important task which has to be completed by a Lawyer is the conduct of a relevant legal research, on one hand at the Land Registry – called in Greek “ypothikofilakio” – and, on the other hand and only in those cases that the relevant Cadastre Office has completed at least the initial registration of real estate properties at certain municipalities in Greece, another similar research at that certain Cadastre Office – in Greek “ktimatologio” – as well.
The aforementioned research (-es) is necessary to take place on behalf of the candidate purchaser so as for the latter to ensure that the apartment, plot of land, business store and so forth and so on do not bear any legal burden of any sort, be it a mortgage, a seizure, a pending lawsuit etc, and, above all, that the legal or natural person selling the property is indeed the owner of the offered property.
Please always keep in mind the fact that in the case of Greece it does not fall within the Notaries’ mandate to investigate in any way the legal status of any property in case of a purchase, but merely to make sure that all necessary documents have been gathered and submitted to all relevant State Authorities before actually preparing himself/ herself the necessary official notarial deed to that specific end.
In light of the above, allow us to name a few of those documents that at all times are considered necessary in terms of a purchase to be executed , like for instance copies of identity cards, tax registration numbers as depicted in officially issued tax statements, certificates of tax clearance, a diagram issued by a surveyor with regards to the exact whereabouts and coordinates of the real estate property at hand etc.
Last but not least, please take into consideration that all of the aforementioned actions may be executed by a Lawyer given of course that he/ she has been vested with such authorization via a Power of Attorney -Proxy document; OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM possesses the experience, the expertise and the human resources to have such a demanding and important project under way and properly executed, by keeping you up-to-date throughout the whole process and whenever we are requested to do so.