
Shipping and Maritime Law Firm

What We Offer

OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM constitutes a solid Team of Lawyers and other professionals who are able to offer to our various Assignors expertise and experience, to the end of assisting them deal with all sorts of legal issues that more than often surface –along with other sorts of issues as well – when an entrepreneurial idea/ project is under way. Our maritime law firm is here to help you and our expertise in the field is in your hands.



We are future-oriented by setting strategic long-term goals; planning ahead is not just a necessity but an inherent characteristic of our corporate identity.


We strive for fairness by treating everyone with respect, not just courtesy.


Our mind-set is global thus we enjoy working seamlessly across borders.


We focus on delivering world-class legal services and advice, thus reaching for the highest standard possible means that excellence is the only threshold.

Our Services

OIKONOMAKIS CHRISTOS GLOBAL LAW FIRM offers a number of services related to the aforementioned field of law, no matter how exotic and out-of-the-ordinary this might sound, due to the fact that the managerial seat of our Firm is situated in the city of Piraeus, host of one of the busiest and most commercial harbors not in Greece but globally. The maritime tradition of the port of Piraeus is undisputed, and our Firm constitutes part of this long-established tradition, despite the pressure extended during the last decade which hopefully has become a long-forgotten past of the sort that no-one wishes to witness ever before. Our advice extends to:
• Advising on national and European shipping regulatory and legislative framework
• Registration of vessels
• Reflagging
• Restructuring of shipping corporations
• Representing clients before local and international Arbitration and even Litigation Authorities/ Courts of Law if that is the inevitable case.

What is Maritime Law

Maritime law is the law that exclusively governs activities at sea or in general in navigable waters; even more so, and according to the Cambridge dictionary, Maritime Law is “the collection of laws related to ships and the transport of goods by sea”. Thus and in a few words matters related to shipping law, including admiralty and marine-related matters all consist part of the agenda of this specific and specialized field of law.

How Our Maritime Law Firm Can Help

Our maritime and shipping lawyers are here to assist our assignors in many different fields of law, always seeking to represent you and your interests in the most subtle and effective of ways.

We systematically seek not only to advise but also to manage issues that more than often emerge in terms of this specific industry which is of the most demanding ones when it comes to organizational and other management related issues.

Therefore, we are able to provide expert and comprehensive legal corporate and litigation assistance not only to Greek but also to foreign ship-owners be it natural of legal persons, to local and foreign managers, to cargo underwriters, to insurance companies, to freight forwarders, to agents and brokers, to shipping funds, and other professionals of the sort such as surveyors, engineers, notaries, liquidators etc.

Key Contacts

Papageorgiou Zoi

Mitrogianni Aikaterini

Saligkara Maria

For more information on Maritime Law

Please contact us on +30 210 3600036 or


Our Offices

OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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