
Structured Trade & Commodity Finance

What We Offer

Undoubtedly, our associates possess significant experience and legal knowledge managing issues from the crucial trade sector. The international legal system provides us abilities and practical solutions for every upcoming issue related to trade transactions and finance.



We are future-oriented by setting strategic long-term goals; planning ahead is not just a necessity but an inherent characteristic of our corporate identity.


We strive for fairness by treating everyone with respect, not just courtesy.


Our mind-set is global thus we enjoy working seamlessly across borders.


We focus on delivering world-class legal services and advice, thus reaching for the highest standard possible means that excellence is the only threshold.

Our Services

The firm’s legal team is always prepared to advice our assignors about:

  • Trade transactions
  • Loans
  • Related financial institutions
  • Producers & exporters
  • Trade Corporations
  • Compliance
  • Litigation should be the final way out

What are the “Structured Trade and Commodity Finance"

The term of “Structured Trade and Commodity Finance” constitutes a cooperative initiative of the IFC (International Finance Corporation), part of the “World Bank”, in order to preserve and -in some cases- to extend the funding and the cash flow for the trade of vital commodities in various markets. This initiative allows the IFC to deal with the most demanding markets, cooperating with financial institutions from the private sector. This solution, which is beneficial for every producer and importer, gives them the ability to successfully mitigate the upcoming risks, using short-term funds connected with transactions related to these critical commodities.

How We Can Help

“Oikonomakis Law” through its experienced lawyers can provide assistance on a wide range of issues concerning the structured trade practices, aiming to fulfill every possible expectation our assignors have. Thus, spotting the most effective solution for their problems is our firm’s highest priority.

Key Contacts

Oikonomakis Christos

Papageorgiou Zoi

Mitrogianni Aikaterini

For more information about "Structured Trade and Commodity Finance"

Please contact us οn +30 210 3600036 or


Our Offices

OIKONOMAKIS LAW is involved in more than 100 Legal Fields and currently operates Fourteen (14) offices in Eleven (11) countries:

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